


In September 2018, a client approached me with a financial application idea that they wished to pitch to investors with a prototype created by me.  The idea revolved around an algorithm based application that scans bank accounts to learn your spending habits. Based off these results, the application would then recommend credit cards, checking and savings accounts. Knowing that this type of software already existed, I wanted to create a unique feature that would set it apart from the crowd. 



save for life events

After an four hour white-boarding session where I created user roles and trying to focus on the character traits of the demographic accessing the application, I created the idea of “life events.” Life events can encompass milestones in a person’s life such as death, marriage, births, home-buying, large purchases. This feature within the application provides key data to inform the user about how to access different financial institution benefits to assist in saving for these life events. 


completed product


I wanted the application to feel like a personal financial planner living inside your pocket. I wanted the name and branding to be based around a name that would produce a friendly AI that sends you notifications to make financial adjustments. After working with the client we discovered a personal connection that we found fit perfectly; his grandmother’s name, Nina.

With adjustments to the spelling, we created Nena; personable, approachable, and organized.
